Poster Presentations & Free Oral Presentations (09.04.16)

Saturday, 9 April 2016 (Stratocaster Conference Suite, The Gibson Hotel, Dublin)

1. The role of the height of the intrathecal catheter and the daily flow of a gas pump in the effectiveness of an intrathecal baclofen therapy (A. Chatzikalfas, Germany)

2. Intrathecal bupivacaine as an alternative to intrathecal opioids for failed back surgery syndrome: a case study (M. Dugan, USA)

3. Pain management recommendation by intraspinal analgesic drug delivery
(ND. Eze, Ukraine)

4. Objective 4D-measurements of lumbar spine function in back pain patients undergoing high-frequency spinal cord stimulation at 10 kHz (R. Ibrahim, Germany)

5. Intrathecal chronic morphine infusion pumps for intractable cancer pain: a pilot series in Russia (O. Kirsanova, Russia)

6. Ziconotide induced amnesia: a case report (S. Marini, V. Lalli, Italy)

7. Audit on safety, effectiveness and adverse side effects of long-term intrathecal therapy for Non-Cancer Pain (A. Mudrakouski, Ireland)

8. Long-term intrathecal administration of midazolam and clonidine for chronic intractable non-cancer pain (A. Mudrakouski, Ireland)

9. What is the right dose of ziconotide for a patient with risk factors?
(A. Mudrakouski, Ireland)

10. Challenges of spasticity management using two different intrathecal drug delivery device systems (IDDS) - Pinderfields way! (W. Raza, UK)