12 April 2024 - 3rd Evolution of Pulsed RF Symposium, Leiden, The Netherlands



To View a PDF of the Symposium Programme, CLICK HERE

To Pay the Registration Fee for Video Recordings of the 3rd PRF Symposium Lectures from Leiden 12.04.24, CLICK HERE

The 3rd Evolution of Pulsed Radiofrequency Symposium took place at The Fletcher Wellness Hotel, Leiden, The Netherlands on 12 April 2024. A faculty of experts spoke at event.  

It is possible to register for video recordings of the symposium lectures which will be available to view online for six months.

To pay the registration fee to access the video recordings of the symposium lectures, CLICK HERE


Prof. dr. Bert van Duijn (Plant electrophysiology, Leiden University, The Netherlands)

Prof. dr. Josino Brasil (Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Universidade Federal das Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Brazil)

Ms Francesca Marsili MSc (Biomedical Engineer, chronic pain researcher, Italy)

dr. Alexandre Teixeira (Pain Specialist, Private pain practice in Porto, Portugal)

dr. Olav Rohof (Pain Specialist, Consultant, The Netherlands)

dr. Tom ten Have (PhD Candidate, dept. of surgery SolviMax - Maxima MC, The Netherlands)

dr. Marieke Niesters (Anesthesiologist & Pain specialist, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands)

dr. Daniel Jorge (Orthopedic Spine surgeon - Orthoregen International Course, Brazil)

dr. Sinnadurai Vasan (Orthopedic surgeon, Pantai Hospitals, Malaysia)


To view a copy of the scientific programme, CLICK HERE


The Symposium was approved for 5 CPD Points.


Video Recordings of Symposium Lectures Leiden 12.04.24: 250 euros

*To Pay the Registration Fee for Video Recordings of the Symposium Lectures from Leiden, CLICK HERE